Roma Environmental staff members have been actively involved in the arena of planning, development and environmental review for over twenty-five years in the states of California, Washington and Nevada. We can provide comprehensive project management for the environmental review process, including compliance with CEQA, SEPA, and NEPA. Staff members are experts at preparation of environmental impact reports/studies, mitigated negative declarations, exemptions, and technical studies.
Roma Environmental team members posses the technical knowledge, resources and software relevant to noise and air quality analyses, including: Sound32, TNM, SoundPLAN, RCNM, FHWA Create, CalEEMod, and URBEMIS. Roma Environmental maintains close ties with several traffic, biological and cultural resource firms if their services are required.
Representative Projects
California Valley Solar Project, Mitigation Analysis and Monitoring, San Luis Obispo County, CA
ProLogis Warehouse Distribution Facility, City of Rialto, CA
Rolling Hills Ranch Residential Development, San Bernardino, CA
SDGE Sunrise Project, Mitigation Analysis and Monitoring, San Diego, CA
Orni 21 Geothermal Project, Environmental Impact Report (EIR), El Centro, CA
West Chocolate Mountains Solar, Wind, Geothermal Renewable Energy Area Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Imperial County, CA
NAVFAC SW, San Clemente Island Tank Removal and Distribution Pipeline Environmental Assessment (EA), San Clemente Island, CA
Central Region Elementary School #20, Initial Study and EIR, Los Angeles, CA
Crestlake Residential Subdivision EIR, Community of Alpine, San Diego County, CA